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Itch pet?

You might have heard of allergic dermatitis.

If you are really unlucky, your pet might have allergic dermatitis 😳

Here is a summary of the important points to consider in tackling this often life long condition.

What causes allergic dermatitis?

Top 3 are parasites, pollens, food…..

Does allergic dermatitis go away?

Its possible, but its rare - we manage rather than cure.

What happens if I bring my pet to see you?

We will carefully assess and monitor your pet. This requires treatment and then regular review - more frequently during flare-ups (when they are itchy) and less so at other times. We may or may not need to change your pet’s treatment.

Can I treat at home?

There is a lot you can do at home, but without treatment, it is unlikely to get better on its own and it can make your pet really miserable.

Now the bad news……….. is there is no cure and it will likely be a lifelong condition that you will have to manage to keep your pet comfortable.

But, the good news is……… there is much you can do to help reduce the triggers that can make your pet flare up. These can change however during your pet’s life.


Here are some self help tips, which, together with treatment and monitoring by your vet, will help to keep your itch pet stay itch free.

  • PARASITE TREATMENT: Regular use of prescription parasite treatment and environmental control.

  • FOOD: Good quality food without artificial food colourings and flavourings. Store securely to avoid growth of storage mites. Hypoallergenic hydrolysed food (no point in feeding this though if your pet eats anything else).

  • BATHING: We may recommend bathing with medicated shampoo. Its important not to bathe too often however as this can cause drying - its a good idea to ask for our help with this.

  • SUPPLEMENTS: Essential fatty acids added to the diet will help improve the skin’s protective barrier.

  • AVOIDANCE: Try to avoid contact with strong washing powder, household cleaners, furniture polish.

  • WIPE THE COAT: With a damp cloth after being outside which will remove most of any pollen attached to the coat.

  • ENVIRONMENT: Environmental sprays to control parasites, washing bedding (in non-biological detergent), avoiding harsh cleaners on the floor.

  • SURVEILLANCE: Visit your the vet to prevent any itching, scratching or licking making the problem get worse, and to get treatment for the underlying cause.

To stabilise your pet during a flare up and to maintain them as best as we possibly can requires a joint effort between us, and you.

................Self help pages coming very soon, keep checking in or call us, one of our friendly team at CareVets will be happy to help.

Further info can be found on our self help page:

Thanks for reading.

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