Bonfire night is fast approaching which can be a stressful time for our BestFriends
Below are some tips to help reduce that stress
Keep pets inside with the curtains and windows closed
Give them a safe and cosy place to hide
Play the TV, radio or classical music
Check your pets microchip and ID tags are up to date
Walk your dog during the daytime
Keep cats inside at night time and lock the cat flap
Bring small furries like rabbits and guide pigs inside
Use pheromone sprays and diffusers
There are some useful desensitisation CD’s or videos. The one below from DogsTrust can be used with both cats and dogs, and works on the basis that low level exposure over time reduces (desensitises) your BestFriend to what may otherwise be a scary noise.
These are great resources free of charge:
….and DogsTrust
Some animals do require extra support at this time of year with medication. Some options include calming supplements, which we would be happy to help you with.
Don’t forget, if you are on our BestFriend plan, all your consultations are free, so if you have any worries, call and book in so we can support you and your BestFriend. On 0151 345 1121